- Price can hold his head up, which proves highly effective. Now the dogs can lick him directly in the mouth. Now he can view the world on his own. Now he can spit up on his shirt, the floor, my shirt, my pants, my dog, my remote control, my beer, and anything else that he deems necessary. Most importantly, he can check out the chics at daycare..."yeah girl, that diaper looks mighty stout from my swing, just sayin..."
- Price also learned to smile. Did I cry the first time I saw him do it? Uh....anyway, he's got a grin that could lure Megan Fox into his crib. Seriously, it's over for all the daughters out there...no, I'm not kidding. Really, don't let them leave the house. You don't believe me do you? When you see the pictures below, don't say I didn't warn you...
- Finally, my man has learned somewhat of bladder control. I'm proud to announce I haven't received an impromptu dose of Mello Yellow in a month. No sir, little guy has now found it much more appropriate to ensure the walls, furniture, and his teddies don't dry out. Way to go buddy; we'll be wearing out the trees soon!
With his new talents, the last couple months have been uterly amazing. Do I miss the freedom of dining out every night? Yes. Do I long for the boat on a hot Saturday afternoon? Yes. Would I trade a moment with my son in for any of it? Not for the world, my friends. Even the heavy-metal-concert-worthy-1000 decible scream gives you an inner peace knowing he's part of us.
On the flipside, I must confess that our baby has a pretty incredible father, too...okay, hear me out on this one. For his five-week birthday, I decided my son already needed a present. Therefore, I bought him a Wii. Unfortunately, my wife thought this to be a charade, and said money would be better spent in something we could both enjoy (like I would ever want a Wii anyway??). Therefore, my son received a 46 inch LCD the following morning, too. WOW, how giving on my part to integrate such incredible resources into our child's life.
And yes, another trip to the depths of the pooch-palace.
But as a whole, the family is doing well and surviving every day. We've made it to parties, spent a day on the lake, watched every movie ever made, and even found time for a couple kisses (sorry Mr. and Mrs. Masters...I swear that was it). And now we move into wedding season, where we brave our first couple nights without his highness...
Momma, get your dancing shoes on.
And take a gander at some new photo's of the Tight Jean Army's CEO-in waiting. "He's got Millie Lewis, he's got what it takes"
PS - To you future father's out there, let me make a quick suggestion. Although humerous in principle, attaching a breast pump to yourself does not impress your wife. Nor does using it as a dog's ears. Nor does using the filling cups as an old school phone. Nor does simulating a cheerleader's megaphone. Ugh, I think I read that in a magazine somewhere...
Until we meet again,
Daddy Electronics and his Wife in a Black Dress...see you at the Hampton Inn momma!