Disclaimer (per my lovely wife): This website is not for Catholic priests and school boys...
Marriage Rule #1 - Your wife is always right.
Men's Rule #1 - Ignore her, you'll end up in the doghouse anyway.
And that's how this begins: Last month, I made the profound decision to begin a story. That's right, I volunteered all my poetic justice, heart and soul, and hours of paid office time into entertaining the world. The only comment my wife could make is that the title of my blog is about as bad as the end of Drumline...oh wait, I've never wanted rhythm and soul so bad in my life. So now you understand my disclaimer (Kristen, are we star-crossed soul mates again?). And you also see that I obediently serve Men's Rule #1 by sticking with the Fergalicious title.
You, me, Grandma Sue, Uncle Dabo, and the two mutts have all read the sappy baby-blogs that sound like an Aaron Neville and Linda Ronstadt video. No sir, you'll not find that here. My inspirational writing serves to give you the down-and-dirty of bringing the next big NASCAR sensation (a.k.a. "Price Miller") into the world.
Last Spring, my lovely counterpart (Kristen) and I ventured to Italy for our last hurrah. For when we came back, the T.B. Miller Band was going to play some live shows at the family-growing factory. After three wonderful years of marriage, it was time to retire my favorite tight jeans and prepare for baby screams. Little did I know that our creation was only a couple too many Firefly drinks, a full moon, and The Miller Family Beach Week 2008 away. Thanks mom and dad; we owe you!
As summer faded away, Gamecock football loomed on the horizon. Spirits were high that "Next Year" was here, and I was already practicing Sunday couch-mode. One particular afternoon, I recall a mighty half-stubbled beard watching a fourteenth consecutive episode of Man Vs Wild ("Blair" Grylls, if you may).
That day, Kristen crawled like a ninja around the house until sending me into the bathroom for a little "surprise." It was this little dandy that showed me the two pink lines that changed my life. Just to be sure, we replicated 4 sets of those duplicate lines (you can never be too sure). It was also at this point I realized my life had just changed for the most exciting and best reason I could've dreamed. Parenthood was a mere 8 months away!
Ironically, I'm still pondering Kris saying "oh wow, you're going to be a dad"...I guess we'll never know what that means.
Until next time,
Yours Truly and His Magnanamous Lady
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